By joining an HLAGH committee, you will be able to network with other members, gain exposure for your business, and increase your professional development while engaging with the community in a relaxed environment!
We hope that you will consider joining a committee to help us bring additional value to your membership!
The Education Committee focuses on shaping the next generation of hoteliers and seeks to create a pipeline of talented individuals to meet the hotel industry’s demands. Committee members identify programs and services focusing on talent acquisition and development, labor and employee relations, and career awareness to build the support needed to make the Houston lodging industry successful. This committee helps drive communications to the members and the community. Members interact with the programs committee to develop content, resources, and web-based activities for members and strategic partnerships with industry organizations outside of the Association. Members also become mentors to those who are just starting in the industry.
CO-CHAIRS: Jacques D’Rovencourt, Hilton Americas
The Government Relations Committee addresses public policy that has a direct impact on the lodging and hospitality industry. Members guide the Association’s positions on legislation and regulations that impact our business operations. The committee devises initiatives and resources to achieve these goals. Member works to strengthen relationships with City Hall and manage issues that affect the industry at a state, county, and local level. The committee is also proactive in recommending changes to ordinances and statutes.
CO-CHAIRS: Jason Grisham, Embassy Suites West and Steven Terrebonne, The Moran City Centre
This committee is genuinely the organization’s backbone, where you will contribute to the Association’s overall growth and success. The Member Value Committee focuses on retention and expansion of the membership. This committee creates and implements engagement as well as recruitment strategies for the Association. Volunteers act as resources for current members, recruit new members, and reinforce the Association’s benefits. Members seek ways to connect new members within the Association and create added value for HLAGH Members.
The various events committees work to provide members values by delivering quality events for members and tailoring programs to meet their needs. These working committees assist in organizing events that contribute to the community. This includes programs in education, fundraising, public relations, and any others identified by the Board or other HLAGH Committees.
Programs Committee
CO-CHAIRS: Alberto Ramos, Hilton Houston NASA Clear Lake and Sam Kandiyoti, FCI Hospitality
This committee is responsible for ensuring the Association’s meetings and seminars are pertinent and topical while meeting the overall membership needs. Members will assist with topics and speaker selection as well as new program development.
Golf Tournament Committee
CO-CHAIRS: Pete Ells, Westin Memorial City and John Schafer, The Hyatt Regency Houston
Work to create an exceptional experience for players and sponsors at the annual HLAGH golf tournament. Assist staff with sponsorship, teams, silent auction. This Golf Tournament provides a Scholarship to the Conrad N. Hilton College at the University of Houston and is a fundraiser for our Association.
Hospitality on Parade (HOP) Committee
HOP celebrates the Houston lodging industry and recognizes the outstanding employees who have made a difference in the field of hospitality. The committee works to organize and execute the Annual Awards Recognition Celebration. Participate in creating an outstanding event by assisting with planning, sponsorship, awards selection, table sales, marketing, and planning the event.